About The Writer

dancing in the rain

  1. The author is very family orientated.
  2. All their poems are not about them but they do contain their emotional response to the subject.
  3. The author is relatively new at it, they have been writing poems for just over a year
  4. As the author is still learning they would like all feedback good and bad
  5. The author is dyslexic and hopes this will show anyone can write
  6. The authors favourite poet is Wilfred Owen is was well-known for his war poems.
  7. The author has started writing some Flash/Micro Fiction as part of a group. A story of under 500 words will be written in response to a prompt ever week. I will add an extra page for this. If you would like to write something using the prompt in under 5oo words you are more than welcome.

Blogs I follow and would recomend

A very talented writer and a lovely genuine person, his blog is thinkingtoomuch. Well worth a read


I have recently started following this man. His poems are an easy read and cover a wide range of topics


This man i have been following for a while. He is a lovely gentleman who has lived an interesting life and shares some of his life experiences in his poems. From the beautiful scenary where he lives to his raw emotions. He sells his poems on Amazon i would advise you get over there and buy his book


I have been nominated for a few awards in the past. I don’t usually post when it happens but thought I would share these two with you

blog award 1

Blog award 2

DISCLAIMER:- All pictures used on this site are off the internet and not owned by myself. if i publish a picture that belongs to you please let me know so i can give you credit. If you want me to remove it and it belongs to you i will oblige

2 Responses to About The Writer

  1. Very interesting style you have, melancholy in a way, yet absorbing your reader. Good work!

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